BEACH Basket


The Beach Basket has been personalized by hand. We've sewn gold glitter letters on it to make it as cheerful as your vacation! With its natural leather shoulder strap, you can carry it by hand or crossbody.


Our BEACH straw doum basket is a perfect personalized beach basket with embroidered terry patches edged with gold sequins.


The size of this rectangular basket is different from the usual baskets and we love it. 


Made of doum straw which is a strong straw, this basket is totally handmade because it is woven by women's cooperatives with whom we work in a fair way in Morocco. Lined with unbleached cotton, your belongings will be protected.


Each piece being handmade, the baskets will be slightly different from each other; their dimensions may vary by a few centimeters and the letters may not be perfectly aligned.

Product Details

Size +/- W40 x H25 x D15 cm
Type of wear hand-carried
Material Straw palm leaves

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